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An unexpected crisis faces Paris before the opening of the Olympics

In addition to the security challenges posed during the Paris Olympics, France faces an unexpected challenge in the form of a potential lack of toilets on the boats that will carry the athletes during the opening ceremony next Friday.

أزمة غير متوقعة تواجه باريس قبل افتتاح الأولمبياد

The opening ceremony will be held on the Seine River, where athletes will be on boats floating in front of hundreds of thousands of spectators in one of the most anticipated events of the Paris Olympics.

But some of these boats that will carry participating missions will not have toilets.

The head of the Australian mission, Anna Meares, said on Saturday: “Being one of the largest missions, we have not yet received confirmation of whether we will have a boat equipped with a toilet, but we hope so.”

She added in a press conference: “But preparations are being made in the event that there is no toilet on board the boat, and we will make sure that the facilities are accessible before leaving the boat and while using it.”

However, athletes will be happy to hear that the expected time in the boats during the opening ceremony will only be about 45 minutes.

"There will be toilets when boarding and departing on the boat. Sailing time will be approximately 40 to 45 minutes," Meares said.

The Olympic Games are expected to start on Friday, June 26, and will continue until August 11.



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