After US President Joe Biden withdrew from the presidential elections, and his vice president, Kamala Harris, advanced into the race, comments spread on social media sites regarding the similarity of the story to the famous Simpson cartoon.
Social networking sites witnessed a comparison between Vice President Kamala Harris, who is wearing a purple outfit, and Lisa Simpson’s presidential appearance from the episode of The Simpsons that aired in 2000, according to what the British newspaper “Daily Mail” reported.
Actress Claudia Jordan posted a photo of Harris and Simpson and wrote: “The Simpsons already predicted this.”
Internet users extracted an old clip from Episode 17 of Season 11 of The Simpsons, showing Lisa, who bears an uncanny resemblance to Harris, managing affairs in the White House.
A social media pioneer also pointed out that the episode shows Lisa Simpson as President of the United States after former President Donald Trump, and others questioned the accuracy of the Simpson family's ongoing predictions.
This coincidence is one of many predictions that have come true in The Simpsons, including Donald Trump running for president, intelligent robots taking over, the Ebola outbreak, the advent of smartwatches, the FIFA corruption scandal, Disney's takeover of 20th Century Fox, faulty voting machines, and Ping's victory. R. Holmstrom Nobel Prize, Siegfried and Roy's tiger attack, video calls, the economic crisis in Greece, and Richard Branson's space race.
The Simpsons series continues to amaze audiences with its bizarre and accurate predictions, making people wonder how well it can predict future events.