As members received the agenda for the National Assembly session scheduled for next Tuesday, MP Muhalhal Al-Mudhaf officially announced that he would submit a questioning to the Prime Minister, His Highness Sheikh Ahmed Nawaf Al-Ahmad.

Sources said that his interrogation includes, so far, three topics, with expectations that it will be presented next week, and that it will most likely be on the day of the session. Al-Mudhaf confirmed, in a press conference yesterday, that the Prime Minister’s refusal to respond to parliamentary questions on the pretext that they are unconstitutional is worse than “postponing the interrogations scheduled to be submitted,” addressing His Highness by saying: “Your retreat from the discourse of the New Testament means that you are not worthy of your political responsibilities.”
He said, “People were waiting for you to take a position or statement about the events we went through, but you were not there, and this indicates that you are not a statesman who is fulfilling his role to the fullest,” adding that “your ministers are falling without ascending to the podium, and this confirms your inability to Managing the political scene.
In addition, at a time when the Chairman of the Parliamentary Financial and Economic Affairs Committee, MP Shuaib Al-Muwaizri, revealed that there was a large agreement between the committee and the government to raise the minimum pension, he pointed out that there are some comments on the proposal presented by the government related to raising the level of low salaries.
Regarding the Qard Al-Hasan and the cost of living allowance, Al-Muwaizri said that they will be considered and presented to the Council on the day of the session, stressing the Ministry of Finance’s keenness to cooperate with the government, provided that this is with the aim of improving the standard of living of citizens and preserving the public interest of the state.
In the details of the news: After he graduated in the tools of political accountability, MP Muhalhal Al-Mudhaf announced the interrogation of the Prime Minister, His Highness Sheikh Ahmed Nawaf Al-Ahmad, due to not answering the parliamentary questions that he had previously directed to him, saying: “Our appointment is on the interrogation platform.”
Al-Mudhaf said, in a press statement, that the parliamentary questions he directed to His Highness the Prime Minister are at the core of his powers, “however, we have become accustomed in the current council that any question we direct to the Prime Minister receives the same answer, that it is an unconstitutional question, and not related to the general policy of the state.” », explaining that «this behavior and this practice has begun to appear clearly in this council, and this is a restriction of the representative’s tools for political accountability, and one of the tools guaranteed by the constitution, and unfortunately, this file is being dealt with in this way.»
Al-Mudhaf reviewed how former prime ministers dealt with parliamentary questions addressed to them since the late Emir Sheikh Sabah Al-Salem assumed the prime ministership at the time, in addition to his position as Crown Prince, until former Prime Minister Sheikh Sabah Al-Khalid, and they were all answering parliamentary questions, but today the Prime Minister comes to undermine This tool.
Al-Mudhaf pointed out that restricting the tools of political accountability is what we were suffering from in the past, and from wrong practices and practices that violate the constitution, noting that the Prime Minister’s failure to answer parliamentary questions is worse behavior than postponing the interrogations “scheduled to be presented” to the Prime Minister in the 2020 Council. Therefore, this matter must be put to an end, because it is unacceptable behavior.
The representative said: The question that was directed to the Prime Minister was regarding the speech of the New Era and the contents of that era, this speech that prepares the road map for political reforms in the State of Kuwait, and it has created popularity for the political leadership, the government, and the Council, because this Emiri speech appears with these contents, which is what we are accustomed to. In Emiri speeches in which the focus is on the terms of the popular will, the Council and its decisions, and correcting the course of the political scene, which is the core of extracting Kuwait from corrupt eras on the basis of which the state is destroying it, and this speech came to correct this path and rebuild the state on new concepts, such as what this speech stipulated, It is compatible with the 1962 Constitution.
He added: I asked the Prime Minister about his role in implementing the contents of the Emiri speech, but the answer was that it was an “unconstitutional question”! What is constitutional then?! You are the head of a ministry that represents His Highness, and at the same time you are the son of His Highness the Emir.
He added, addressing the Prime Minister: You retracted the contents of the speech, and at the opening of the current session you did not indicate, even with a single word, the path to correcting the scene. This is a retreat from the Amiri speech that cannot be accepted, and this is not the behavior of a prime minister who is aware of this responsibility towards His Highness and towards him. His responsibilities are to solve the outstanding problems and correct the course of the political scene, because implementing the contents of the New Testament discourse will be a historical political achievement similar to the achievement that took place in the Constitution of 1962, but what I did does not indicate this thing, and what I did was present a program in the Council 2022, and presented to us another different program in the 2023 Council, and this is not the role of the Prime Minister, but rather his role is to have a vision and present a plan, and choose a team according to a plan with specific goals and a timetable for implementing and achieving these goals, asking: Why did you change your plan and program? Although you should have based your plan on implementing the contents of the new discourse, this regression means that you are not worthy of your political responsibilities.
Al-Mudhaf went on to narrate the events of what the invalid Council faced, passing through the resignation of the Prime Minister, the Constitutional Court, the return of the 2020 Council and its absence that accompanied all of these events, adding that this absence in light of all these events indicates that you are not a statesman who is fulfilling his role to the fullest, and then you came. By forming a government that is considered the worst in the political history of Kuwait, it violates moral and political norms and standards, because it is a weak and fragile government, to the point that ministers fall before rising to the interrogation platform, and all of this confirms your inability to manage the political scene, even though you have a parliamentary majority, and enjoy excellent relations with... Representatives, but you did not assign yourself to protect your ministers regardless of the reasons. You are the one who bears the first and last responsibility for choosing the ministers, what they are exposed to, and what results from their actions and deeds.
I will review the recent Khor Abdullah events and the cancellation of its agreement, in addition to the provocations from the Iranian side towards the Durra field, and the accompanying news from Iranian officials wandering west of the field, and also the attacks that the people of Gaza, the people of Palestine, and the people of Gaza are exposed to from Zionist gangs, and the repercussions of the regional file. over the entire area.
Al-Mudhaf asked: “Where are you regarding these events?” You were outside the country for more than a month and a half. You were supposed to be there carrying out all your responsibilities towards the State of Kuwait, adding: Do you know what the repercussions of the external file are for Kuwait? “Kuwait’s role has become absent from the international and regional arenas, and this puts external security at risk, which indicates that Kuwait has lost its leadership and role on the regional and international arenas.”
He added: “Despite all these events, we have reached the issue of procrastination in popular entitlements. You always rely on buying time, and this is a weakness in decision-making and a lack of respect for the people.” Al-Mudhaf stressed that “the New Testament speech diagnosed the real political situation in Kuwait, the rift in the relationship between the two authorities, its impact on the Kuwaiti people and the state, its obstruction of development and its delay of popular and constitutional entitlements, which requires urgent, real and political reforms. This is what the New Testament speech brought about, and it will not We give up on its implementation, as this commitment of the ruling regime will exist, and we will not accept retreat from it, and in your last speech you did not address the discourse of the New Testament, nor correcting the course, nor to real reforms, and this means that your view of the new discourse is that it is ink on paper, and that it is not... It has value, and this is an insult to the author of the speech, and we refuse to insult the author of this historic speech.”