The Musicians Syndicate in Egypt announced on Friday the resumption of granting work permits to Lebanese artist Haifa Wehbe, after the end of the legal dispute between her and one of the concert contractors who filed a complaint against her before the Syndicate.

The two parties appeared before the legal affairs of the Musicians Syndicate, and "admitted reconciliation, consent, and the return of the deposit included in the complaint." Accordingly, it was decided to "cancel the decision issued by the legal affairs not to grant work permits to artist Haifa Wehbe," according to the text of the statement issued by the Syndicate.
Several media outlets, including the "Al-Ahram" website, circulated a video of the reconciliation between the two parties, in which Wehbe thanked the Musicians Syndicate in Egypt for "its understanding, its role in bringing viewpoints closer together," and its standing by her side. The Lebanese artist confirmed that she always works in Egypt "under the wing of the Syndicate," according to what she said in the video.
The Musicians Syndicate in Egypt had notified Lebanese artist Haifa Wehbe on Tuesday that her work permits would be suspended until she arrives at the syndicate’s headquarters and “appears for investigation before the syndicate’s Legal Affairs Department” into the complaints filed against her.
This notification came after she breached the terms of an artistic contract between her and a film production company despite receiving the contract deposit, and breached an agreement to hold a concert on the North Coast and receive the agreed-upon amount, which caused financial damage to the concert organizer.
Wehbe overcame her crisis with the Actors Syndicate in Egypt on Wednesday, after Ashraf Zaki, the head of the Actors Syndicate in Egypt, addressed his counterpart Mustafa Kamel, the head of the Musicians Syndicate, on Wednesday, to inform him that the suspension of the work permits for Lebanese artist Haifa Wehbe had been lifted, after “filing the complaint” filed against her by one of the production companies.