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His Excellency the First Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Defense and Minister of Interior participates in the meeting of the Second Baghdad International Anti-Drug Conference 2024

His Excellency the First Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Defense and Minister of Interior Sheikh Fahd Yousef Saud Al-Sabah participated in the meeting of the Second Baghdad International Anti-Drug Conference 2024, which was held in Baghdad today, Monday, 7/22/2024, and was attended by a number of Their Highnesses and Excellencies Ministers of Interior in the Arab world.

معالي النائب الأول لرئيس مجلس الوزراء ووزير الدفاع ووزير الداخلية يشارك في اجتماع مؤتمر بغداد الدولـي الثانـي لمكافحــة المخــدرات 2024

His Excellency Sheikh Fahd Al-Yousef delivered a speech in which he expressed his sincere gratitude and appreciation to the Prime Minister and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the sisterly Republic of Iraq, Mr. Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, for his generous sponsorship of the conference, and to His Excellency the Minister of the Interior of the sisterly Republic of Iraq, Lieutenant General Abdul Amir Kamel Al-Shammari, for his invitation to participate in the conference. .

His Excellency stressed the importance of the drug issue and its security and social danger. He explained the efforts of the Ministry of the Interior in Kuwait in combating the scourge of drug abuse and its promotion, and presented the special strategy for confronting and preventing it. He stressed the need to enhance effective international cooperation and coordination among the security services and establish communication channels to exchange information effectively and effectively and review All legal legislation facing drug issues, and confronting international criminal networks and organizations.

His Excellency stressed the continuation of efforts to confront drug smuggling and drug trafficking operations and to continue security cooperation and integration and exchange of information between regional and international security agencies.

During the conference, Their Highnesses and Excellencies the Interior Ministers discussed a number of common topics related to enhancing security cooperation and the recommendations of the security committees.



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