Scientists have revealed, for the first time, what appears to be a cave on the surface of the moon, about 100 meters deep. Scientists confirm that the discovered cave is one of hundreds of hidden caves located under the surface of the moon, and what distinguishes this cave is that it may be capable of human habitation. According to studies by researchers and scientists

Researchers and scientists from the Italian University of Trento said that the hole discovered on the surface of the moon, called “Mare Tranquillitatis Pit,” leads to channels for a cave under the surface of the moon, and it was discovered using radar data technology of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft of the agency. space nasa.
It is worth noting that the location of the discovered cave is the same place where the Apollo 11 spacecraft landed in 1969.
Nature Astronomy magazine published scientific research stating that the lunar crater represents a promising future for a lunar base that will be a destination for astronauts in the long term, as its characteristics provide a safe shelter isolated from the harsh surface environment of the moon.
It is believed that the origin of the cave goes back millions or billions of years, when volcanic lava flowed on the moon, leading to the formation of a tunnel through the rocks. Research confirms the presence of indications of a channel emerging from the bottom of the crater, ranging in length from 30 to 80 meters, and reaching about 45 meters in width.

According to the research, about 200 lunar craters were found, which are likely to be caves. Future research will use radar techniques that penetrate the lunar surface, cameras, or even robots to map it, which will contribute to identifying locations that could be useful for astronauts to take shelter from extreme temperatures and difficult conditions on the lunar surface.
Social media platforms circulated video clips of NASA's discovery of the lunar crater, which looks like a deep cave. The clips show what life will look like in these discovered caves.