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King of politics and leadership spirit

On this day, August 1, 2005, King Fahd bin Abdulaziz, Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, passed away. On the anniversary of his death, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and its people lost their leader and pioneer of their renaissance. The Arab and Islamic nations lost a leader who devoted his life to serving his religion and his nation.

ملك السياسة وروح القيادة

He was a unique leader with his keen insight, sound mind, wisdom, forbearance and courage at a time when the nation needed him to unite its word and defend its interests. He had a great impact in all parts of the Islamic world in terms of building religious centers and mosques, caring for orphans and scholars, building hospitals and schools and supporting those in need. I actually saw the King Fahd Islamic Center in the British capital, London, and I noticed the presence of all nationalities and cultures, especially during Friday prayers, as well as the King Fahd Mosque in Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which he built after the Bosnian War. Not to mention the great expansion of the Two Holy Mosques and the scientific and medical renaissance during his rule, his religious, political, humanitarian, social and cultural stances are too many to be written in an article, but in volumes. Among the stances that are deeply rooted in the mind and heart of every Kuwaiti and the Kuwaiti people as a whole will never forget the stances of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, Fahd bin Abdulaziz, especially the courageous statement and his famous word “Either it remains

Kuwait and Saudi Arabia go together

Words written in gold by #King_Fahd_bin_Abdulaziz “may God have mercy on him” ..

(There is no longer Kuwait or Saudi Arabia, one country, we live together or die together)

To the eternal paradise, you who loved Kuwait, so Kuwait, its rulers and its people loved you

As well as the reception for us as Kuwaitis during the period of the brutal Iraqi invasion

And the provision of great facilities in providing health services, housing and airline tickets for all Kuwaiti citizens abroad

King Fahd, may God have mercy on him, will remain one of the greatest figures of the twentieth century on the Arab and Islamic levels.

May God have mercy on King Fahd bin Abdulaziz, who had all the love, appreciation and affection for the Gulf as a whole and Kuwait in particular, and for Prince Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah.

May God have mercy on him. Their relationship was very brotherly, in terms of visits and meetings, as well as the solid relations and history between the two brotherly countries.

May God keep us all and all the Gulf countries safe, secure, and more progress and prosperity.


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