Rep. Saud Al-Asfour asked a question to the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Oil, Minister of State for Economic Affairs and Investment, and Acting Minister of Finance, Dr. Saad Al-Barrak.
The text of the question is as follows:
According to the Amiri Decree establishing the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences issued in 1976, one of the Foundation’s resources as stated in Article 6: the proceeds of investing its funds in any project that it deems profitable to help it achieve its objectives, provided that it does not engage in financial speculation, so please inform me and provide me with the following :
- Has the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences entrusted the Kuwait Investment Authority or any of its affiliates with the management of any of the institution's funds, investments or assets? If the answer is affirmative, please provide me with the size of these funds, the nature of the contract between the Authority and the Foundation, and the results of these works for the past five years