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Set appointments

I know that setting appointments is a topic that writers left a long time ago, and has become one of the abandoned topics, after souls gave up on keeping appointments, and for most people, they became neglected like floating animals, coming and going as they please, and this is how neglect occurs, and so do people accept misfortunes for themselves.

ضبط المواعيد

Moving forward an hour, or delaying an hour, does not matter to most people in our societies, as if the clock has a system, nor as if it were invented to be looked at in order to set the time and adhere to it, even though our worldly life is based on a system, and order is everything in it, and it depends on Calculation with extreme accuracy, does not increase or decrease its amounts, and with this order and calculation, our lives and our world are straightened out, but we allow chaos to strike the pillars of our living, and then we complain of turmoil, anxiety, and mood changes, which lead to illness.

The truth is that as long as the universe operates in an orderly manner, man must also operate in an orderly manner that encompasses the affairs of his life, and that is better for him if he wants to keep pace with nature and coexist with it calmly and comfortably.

It is important that you have appointments, be careful to keep them, and control the activities and actions of your day and night, as much as you can, and the circumstances of the time and place allow you. For example, if you are able to go to bed at a known time, then do so, and if you are able to get up from it, at a known time. So do it.

A quick look at the teachings of our Islamic religion with regard to acts of worship shows us how much it cares about times and appointments. Praying for the believers is a time-bound book, and its reward is maximized when it is adhered to precisely and when it is performed within its limits. As for the worship of fasting, the matter is more precise and measured. It is in the language of the Qur’an, with clarity. The white thread is from the black thread of dawn, and these two threads are nothing but the interweaving of the minutes of the hours and their movements. They are seen by an eye that is aware of the time, not by one who forgets about it. Likewise, the rituals of Hajj, in which the times of sunrise and sunset, and the arrangement of the rituals are taken into account.

I see setting appointments as a gateway to self-control, and there is nothing in life that is more in need of control and control than the self, in the face of the impulses and desires that struggle within it, and the calamities and calamities it faces in life that shake the soul, and the honorable person is the one who controls himself, in the face of... Unbridled desire, and a grave affliction, and he can only control himself with a mind that thinks and calculates, a mind that moves like the clock, neither haste nor haste. The truth is that self-control is all wisdom and goodness.

This statement, that there is a link between punctuality and self-control, is due to our belief that there is a relationship between the system of the universe and human life. This relationship is based on harmonious proportionality, or in more beautiful words, it is based on harmony and harmony. The more a person is in tune and in harmony with the precise system of the universe, He was happier and more successful, and lived a healthier life, because he was able to set the rhythm of his life, to the tunes of the order of the universe.

Remember that you have a day, or even an hour, in which you will leave the world, with its times, appointments, souls, mornings, and memories, to return to your Creator and the Creator of the universe, and there will be a reckoning for what you neglected an appointment and neglected for an hour.


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