The Israeli army confirmed that many tanks were damaged during the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip, and that because of this it was forced to postpone armored training until November 2025.

This came as the Israeli army responded to a petition submitted to the Supreme Court in Israel regarding women serving in combat positions, indicating that as a result, women's armored units cannot be opened.
The Israeli army said in its response that it is not possible to train women on tanks at the present time, due to “the consequences of the war,” indicating that the Israeli army lacks tanks that would allow it to train women fighters on them, against the backdrop of the war in Gaza, according to what the channel’s website stated. i24.
The Israeli army claims that, in light of this, armored training will be postponed for a year, until November 2025, after it became clear to the Israeli army commander, Major General Herzi Halevy, that it was not possible to conduct it on time “due to the unusual security situation and the repercussions of the war.”
Halevy considered that "due to the exceptional security situation and the repercussions of the violent war on armored vehicles, as will be detailed below, it is not possible to conduct the exercises."
The Israeli army also added that several tanks were damaged and are currently out of service, and are not being used for combat or training. Israel is also not expected to introduce new tanks in the near future.
The Israeli army said, "This means that the amount of tanks currently available in the Armored Corps is not sufficient, whether for the war effort or for conducting training at the same time."